OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00804
Who Was Contacted: Phillip Good
Contact Phone: 503-896-8882
Contact Date: 01/05/2021
Contact Method/Location: Field
Details: Background/Problem Identification:
Pete Farrelly reached out to the circuit rider in regard to Elderberry Nehalem WS and explained that their distribution system has failed and that a partial boil order was in effect. The system has a new operator and there are issues with many existing problems.

The water system consists of a spring box that feeds a ~1,000 gallon cistern, from the cistern the water flows to a chlorination building. After the chlorination building the water flows to a ~10,000 gallon reservoir, the further to a ~15,000 gallon reservoir and then on to distribution.

Assistance Provided:
The circuit rider reached out to Phillip Good and scheduled a site visit on 02/26/2021. The circuit rider has the following recommendations for Elderberry Nehalem WS:

• There is a fallen tree branch that has pierced the roof of the ~1,000 gallon cistern. The branch should be removed and the hole in the cistern patched.
• The chlorination building does not currently have a chlorinator hooked up to it. We recommend a “Dosatron” or similar chlorination system be installed.
• Piping in the chlorination building is leaking and causing an overly humid environment in the building, leading to mold growth on the interior of the building. We recommend that the leak be repaired, the mold cleaned, and if possible, a slab placed under the building.
• The reservoir screening is torn and should be repaired.
• The reservoir is overflowing and undermining the concrete perimeter footing. We recommend that the floats be adjusted to prevent overflowing, and that the undermined sections be repaired.
• The reservoir bottom has excessive dirt. The dirt should be cleaned out, and the source of the dirt should be found and eliminated.
• If possible, we recommend replacing the aged reservoirs with plastic storage tanks, possibly in a pole barn type building on a slab with the chlorination system.

Follow-Up Actions Needed:
The circuit rider is available to assist further as needed.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3788
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