OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00064
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Ken Faircloth (541) 566-0228
Contact Date: 02/16/2018
Contacted By: WORD, AMY (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Operations
Details: SUMMARY: complaint response to water quality issues with new well DETAILS: Two separate complaints were received from water customers on the City of Athena water. The complaints were: white precipitate, cloudy water, and brownish sludge settling out. Ken has been taking extra samples and they have all passed. The water quality issues are from the new well. The well is 1600 ft deep (pump set at 1200 ft) the water temp is 80 degrees when it comes out. The directional flow of the water in the pipes has changed since the new water source. So there is very likely pipe partculates being sluffed off. Ken has increased the flushing of the water. There was some total coliform specials (post repair) and the system did a low dose chlorine flush. The system did not notify the customers of the chlorine flush and that was also part of the complaint. We encouraged Ken to create a notice to include in the next billing to help explain the water quality issues. Both complaint callers were called back and were told of the notice and what the issue has been. ACTION NEEDED: System to send the explanatory notice out to customers and try and communicate with the customers more effectively.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3685
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