OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 05596
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Eric Farnsworth (408) 679-8470
Contact Date: 02/26/2018
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: GWR
Details: SUMMARY: Monthly GW Compliance Report Nonreporting Violation DETAILS: Violation 903433515I contacted Mr. Farnsworth over phone. He confirmed that they are using both UV and chlorination as treatment for Well C. Wells A, B, and D are only treated with UV light (Sanitron S50C), but he mentioned that the previous operator gave him instructions to pour some chlorine bleach into the well heads every two weeks. I told him to hold off on doing this for now until I can verify if this is something he should be doing.Regarding the monthly disinfection report for Well C, he stated that he recently took over the operation of the water system in January. Since then, he has been measuring the level of free chlorine in the system, but didn’t know who he should send the report to. I gave him the contact info. for compliance report submission and told him to submit the report for January. I told him to measure free chlorine levels at the entry point-- the first spigot right after treatment, but before the first user. I also reminded him to check chlorine levels at the same time he collects his RT/RP samples. He was given information on the type of testing method he needs when measuring free chlorine levels. ACTION NEEDED: Since they are doing permanent 4-log compliance monitoring, ask DMCE to remove the GWR annual source assessment sample for Head Acres - C.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 443
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