OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00792
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Darryl Sykes (503) 543-7185
Contact Date: 04/17/2018
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: IOCs
Details: SUMMARY: Follow up on 1st quarter fluoride split sample results DETAILS: I spoke with Darryl about the 1st quarter 2018 fluoride split sample results with the DEQ lab. DWS noted that the Citys results were 0.418 mg/L and DEQs split results were 0.30 mg/L. This is more than 30% different and the results are below the optimal 0.7 mg/L level for the fluoride benefit. City noted that may not have followed a full standard calibration, and the tip of the pipette could be replaced and the pipette zerod. City will follow standard written measurement and calibration procedure in the future and will increase the level of fluoride added at both the Miller and Keys road treatment plants, with the hope of optimally deliverin an effective level of the chemical to the customers that can be duplicated well with the split sample. ACTION NEEDED: City will increase level of fluoride at both plants immediately. City will take 2nd quarter 2018 split samples with DEQ with the hope of seeing higher and more consistent numbers with the split lab. City will double check quality control of their sampling and analysis techniques.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3908
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