OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00171
Who Was Contacted: Bryan Burnham
Contact Phone: (Email address hidden)
Contact Date: 07/07/2021
Contact Method/Location: Email
Assistance Type: OTHER REGULATORY - Temporary Source Switch to MW&L
Details: The City of Carlton (00171) is planning to go from being a SW to SWP for about 5 months and the new requirements associated with that were discussed in a meeting on July 7, 2021. The City of Carlton (00171) will be conducting reservoir work and shutting down their WTP this summer and during that time the city will be purchasing all of their water from McMinnville Water and Light (MW&L) (00497) for approximately 5 months. At this time they plan to switch to purchasing MW&L water on August 4, 2021.

DWS staff informed them of the following requirements:
--Communicate dates of source changes to DWS Staff (switching to MW&L and then switch back to Panther Creek/WTP).Switching to MW&L: August 4. 2021 (informed on 6/25/21 and confirmed 7/7/21)
--Corrosion Control: Maintain and report a pH minimum of 7.2 in the distribution system (Report Form). You will be required to collect 2 distribution samples from 2 locations.
--Reporting: Continue to fill and submit the SWTR and Entry-Point pH (Report Form) forms but indicate they are not in use (i.e. write “OFF”).
--Lead and Copper Sampling: 1) conduct and L&C evaluation showing corrosion potential (pH, alkalinity, temperature, calcium, chloride, sulfate data) does not differ between treated Panther Creek/Carlton WTP water and MWL water or 2) be placed on a two 6-month rounds of lead and copper sampling (20 samples collected shortly after switching to MW&L water and no later than December).
--Coliform/DBP/Residual Monitoring/: Same schedule/locations.
--Other chemical monitoring (arsenic, IOCs, RADs, SOCs) is not due until 2022 or later. This monitoring should be collected when the system is using the primary water source (Panther Creek/WTP).

September 2022 Update: Plant is still down and expected to be online in early 2023. Nitrate, VOCs and SOCs were due by the end of 2022 but since had no means to sample their TP-treated water those schedules were closed out by DMCE and each were given annual schedules starting 1/1/23.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 4689
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