OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 01339
Who Was Contacted: Meg Bucher
Contact Phone: 503-476-5119
Contact Date: 08/13/2018
Contact Method/Location: Phone
Details: Spoke to Meg on phone regarding a complaint. Complainant concerned that surface water coming up on their property is from the reservoir that is leaking. Meg said about 6 weeks ago water began flowing on the road, in the ditch and in the culvert. She thought it was from their system. Upon investigation she concluded the water was from a black pipe in another field owned by someone else. She spoke with the owner of the field who confirmed there was a spring there. She tested the water on the road and it is not chlorinated, the water from Valley View is chlorinated. She also checked everyones meters to see if additional water use was happening but there was none. The leak in the reservoir is very slow. She has a company looking at repairing the reservoir. she also mentioned someone is attending the SGSWO class Sept 5, 2018 in Salem.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 4712
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