OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00042
Who Was Contacted: Antelope City Council
Contact Phone: 541-506-2753 (Email address hidden)
Contact Date: 08/06/2021
Contact Method/Location: Email
Assistance Type: OTHER REGULATORY - Request for information email to city council
Reasons: Operations
Details: Emailed the Antelope city council regarding the follow up after a citizens complaint about potential high chlorine prompted specific verification actions.

I requested residual disinfection logs from this month and the previous within 30 days. The residuals have been indicated to have been taken three time a week.
The current chlorine residual has been noted to be around 1.0mg/L, I informed that we should work towards a more appropriate level, 0.40 mg/L.
I asked that the watermaster adjust the chlorine levels on the injector pump if they could to try to get to that level.
If they do make adjustments, I asked them to take the chlorine residual in several locations to monitor and log that activity.
I recommended the circuit rider program to aid with technical assistance on chemical feed calculation.
Cody Flecker the watermaster had indicated that they chlorine residual after adjusting the feed was 0.05mg/L. I told them that 0.40mg/L is the number we need and 0.05 is too low.
Box R Water takes the water systems routine coliform samples and we haven't received a July sample yet. I requested that the water system follow up with them to see where the July sample was and the chlorine residual levels they should taken taken.
The water system indicated that they are using regular bleach to chlorinate the system, and I told them that we need NSF certified sodium hypochlorite. Cody mentioned that he was working with Maupin stoves and spas to source the correct chlorine. I requested that within 30 days to provide photo confirmation that this was performed.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3224
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