OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 06118
Who Was Contacted: Mike Stone, David Jacob, David Bonn
Contact Phone: 503-543-8525
Contact Date: 08/12/2021
Contact Method/Location: Office
Assistance Type: OTHER REGULATORY - Pre-Application Meeting for New Water Tank
Details: I attended a Pre-Application meeting (via gotomeeting) with water system operator Mike Stone, engineer David Jacob, planning consultant David Bonn, and members of County Building and Planning.
A new water reservoir tank is being proposed to be added on the water system. The new water reservoir tank is sized to be 20 feet tall, 28 feet diameter, with 37 feet diameter foundation. Also 2 new future wells, Well #14 and #11 are proposed to being added to the water system(s) as well. They plan to rebuild the system's treatment components as well.
They are proposing to combine both this water system and the non-EPA/state regulated Columbia Hills HOA - Upper system (#41-06211) together, and re-configuring the entry points from the wells into one entry point.
During the meeting, Mike Stone also mentioned that the population and number of connections has also grown, and that between this system and Columbia Hills HOA - Upper system, they now have a combined total Population of 75, and 31 or 31 connections between both systems. Mike mentioned that the Upper system added only 1 additional connection in the last few years.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 4836
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