OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 01423
Who Was Contacted: Jeff Ingebrigtsen
Contact Phone: 503-250-3349
Contact Date: 08/13/2021
Contact Method/Location: Phone
Reasons: Operations
Details: On Friday 8/13, I followed up with Jeff regarding the progress on the leak situation. Jeff says that Paradise Moorage's homes along the river hook up their own individual hoses, which often may coincidentally be located near a chain that the homes are also hooked up to. At space #34, their hose rubbed against the adjacent chain, both located under the river water, resulting in an opening/puncture in the hose.
Jeff says the hose sections past the water system, i.e. the homes' individual hoses are the residents' responsibilities as far as the water system is concerned, however, Jeff pulled the hose out of the river water on the dock, shut off that one connection, wiped the hose off and cut the one foot section of the hose off. Jeff said there was positive water pressure the whole time and that no river water would have infiltrated and that the repair work was all done above/out of the river water.
Since the one home's individual hose leak did not cause a loss of pressure in the water system overall, and there was no indication of any pressure loss other than water meters showing a higher water quantity use than normal, a Boil Water Notice for the water system was not issued in this case.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3647
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