OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 93702
Contact Phone: 541-929-3169 (Email address hidden)
Contact Date: 09/07/2021
Contact Method/Location: Phone
Assistance Type: PLAN REVIEW
Details: Joey called to report that Blodgett Elementary school had well pump issues.
He stated that the pump had failed. The pump was replaced but the new pump also failed. When the new pump was being pulled the well collapsed sub surface and that the new pump was lost. The well is approximately 420 feet deep. A new pump was installed but could only reach a water bearing zone at approximately 120 feet.
I reported the incident to Shawn Stevenson in the Region 2 office. We discussed options.
Joey said the well is producing approximately 3 gallon per minute. Joey also said the well is providing water for handwashing and toilets. Water dispensers were brought into the class rooms for drinking.
They are installing an extra 3,000 storage tank to supplement the 1,300 gallon tank that is already in place. We discussed supplementing with hauled water and water hauling guidelines. We discussed that the water would likely come from the City of Philomath whose primary source is surface water. We discussed that surface water must maintain chlorine residual. The hope is to not have to utilize hauled water and that the additional storage will meet the demand.
They are seeking a bid for a new well.
The key points that were discussed with Region 2 and Joey were:
1. It is Ok to install the additional storage as long as the new tank meets NSF 61 standards. Due to the water emergency.
2. A plan review packet was provided for a new well installation. We discussed the plan should be approved before drilling begins. If the well is drilled then we discussed including the new storage tank installation with the well plans.
3. If a new well is not drilled then the additional storage alone will need to be submitted for plan review.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 1415
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