OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details |
PWS ID: | OR41 01292 | ||
Who Was Contacted: | Larry Bell | ||
Contact Phone: | 541-210-5075 | ||
Contact Date: | 08/03/2021 | ||
Contacted By: | CIVIL WEST ENGINEERS, INC (DWP) | ||
Contact Method/Location: | Field | ||
Assistance Type: | CIRCUIT RIDER ASSISTANCE | ||
Details: | Background/Problem Identification: Leisure Days Park is a mobile home park that provides water from a 183’ well to approximately 49 connections. The system is detecting DBPs, specifically TTHMs, and is in need of advice on how to deal with them. Assistance Provided: On the morning of April 8, 2021, I met with Leisure Days Operator, Larry Bell, and Jackson County Drinking Water Program Coordinator, Susan Baker. We discussed the problem and potential solutions. Samples were taken at multiple points in the treatment process to monitor pH. pH levels coming into the plant were typically high, in the range of 8.7+. After treatment through chlorine and media, the pH was dropped to 6.8. Larry indicated that DBPs were detected in their last sample, which was around the same time a pipe leak was discovered and repaired. Larry and Susan Baker suspect that may have caused the spike in the TTHM reading. In addition to the DBP reading, OHA Regional Engineer Zach Golik has noticed that the Chlorine residual readings have been varying wildly. It was discovered that the operator has been changing the chlorine mix, indicating that may be the issue. My recommendations are as follows: 1. Adjust the chlorine feed rate using the chlorine injection pumps,but keep the mix the same. This will result in easier to track chlorine residuals. 2. Monitor the DBPs during the next quarterly sample. 3. If the DBPs are again reading high, reduce the chlorine pump feed rate and consider a citric acid pre-treatment. 4. If the issue persists, it is possible that is a flaw in the design in the system. Currently, the reservoir across HWY 62 is acting a large pressure tank with only one inflow and outflow line. The system would be better served by having a separate inflow line installed from the well pumps and having the system gravity fed from the storage tank. Follow-Up Actions Needed: Review next quarterly sample. |