OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00990
Who Was Contacted: Robbin Roderick
Contact Phone: 541-689-7255
Contact Date: 08/11/2021
Contact Method/Location: Field
Details: Background/Problem Identification:
Lazy Days Mobile Home Park was severely damaged by the Holiday Farm fire in the McKenzie River area. Melissa Murphy from Business Oregon has reached out to the circuit rider to have an onsite assessment of the water system done. The focus of the request was to determine what repairs and infrastructure replacement will be needed for the park’s water system. This assessment will be necessary to further determine the amount of funding that will be necessary to rebuild and/or replace damaged portions of the water system. Further, the circuit rider was also requested to provide funding assistance with a proposed buyer of the MHP, Homes4Good of Eugene, OR.

Assistance Provided:
The circuit rider made a site visit on 04/30/21 to walk the site to assess the water system. Due to the extent of the fire damage, the entire mobile home park was destroyed. The only remaining elements of the water system were the well pump head and the pump house slab that likely housed the pressure tanks. At the periphery of the pump house slab, a piece of 2” PVC piping was visible, this is likely the output line from the pump house to the distribution system. No piping was visible on the actual RV spaces, as they had appeared to be “cleaned-up” and regraded.

It is highly likely that the existing distribution piping in the ground is also 2” PVC. Re-using this 2” PVC is not advised, as it will likely exhibit VOC leaching similar to many other PVC lines in wildfire ravaged communities. We recommend that the entire distribution system be replaced.

The well may or may not still be useable. At a minimum, the well should be reconnected to power, and periodic water quality testing be done to ensure that the well seal has not been compromised, nor the presence of VOCs. If the well is not useable, another well will have to be drilled and connected to the new distribution system.
Follow-Up Actions Needed:
Once H4G is ready, the circuit rider can assist further

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3496
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