OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 95577
Who Was Contacted: Travis Bonilla
Contact Phone: 503-705-8931
Contact Date: 11/30/2021
Contact Method/Location: Phone
Assistance Type: OTHER WATER QUALITY - Chlorine Residual in Triggered Sample Result
Details: 12-6-21 After further discussion with Travis, it was discussed that water was being hauled from City of Newberg 41-00557 by US Ecology to fill their storage tank as the well was not producing and had been turned off for awhile. The water that is hauled is tested by the PWS and is chlorinated. Travis did state that the well had been turned on briefly right before the Nov. 18 E.coli positive test as the tank was getting low. There is not a sample tap prior to the tank to test just the well water. The well is turned off and will remain that way until further investigation can take place. The firm will continue to haul water from the City of Newberg and ensure a testable chlorine residual is always maintained at the post storage tank tap. In the beginning of 2020, the firm closed its tasting room due to COVID and has since transitioned it to office space permanently with no plans to reopen, no longer needs to be PWS.
11-30-21 Travis was contacted to inquire why the triggered sample taken on 11-23-21 had chlorine residual. Travis stated that chlorine was added to the storage tank and the triggered sample was taken after the storage tank, prior to UV treatment. I inquired about the three other repeat samples having no chlorine residual. The water system has carbon filters, thus the chlorine was removed. We discussed the need to have a triggered sample, at closest point to the well head that does not have chlorine in it. Should this location, after storage tank, be the closest sample to the well, we discussed using a DPD test kit to verify if there is chlorine residual or not prior to taking another triggered sample. Travis agreed to take another triggered sample that did not have a chlorine residual. We also discussed the need to have descriptive sample locations noted for the repeat samples instead of a general site address. Travis said he would talk to Cascade Water Systems to see about updating the laboratory with the sampling location information.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 5450
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