OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 01043
Who Was Contacted: Rick
Contact Phone: 503-473-3333
Contact Date: 01/03/2022
Contact Method/Location: Phone
Assistance Type: OTHER REGULATORY - Loss of Pressure Follow Up
Reasons: Operations
Details: I spoke with the park resident who says that they noticed two different moments resulting in a loss of pressure: once on December 30th and then a repeat of it on December 31st. She said the water pressure returned back to normal after the 31st, but this situation affected the entire park at those times.
She believes it was a pump issue, and that maybe the pump for well #2 may have been worked on or repaired for the time being.
I called the water system's listed contact but got a busy signal. I also called a second phone number that a park resident forwarded to me for the person said to be the one who does the sample collections, named Rick. I called Rick's number and left a message stating that due to the two loss of water pressure moments, Cedar Tree MHP is on a Boil Water Advisory notice, and one coliform water sample is required from distribution system, as the entire park was said to be affected. Once the coliform water sample comes back negative, then the Boil Advisory may be lifted or closed.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3524
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