OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00163
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Mary Howell (503) 255-2629
Contact Date: 06/27/2011
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Nitrate
Details: SUMMARY: Nitrate over half the MCL at 7.8 and 9.4 DETAILS: System has been working on its nitrate removal system with Fisher Pump out of Canby. They have replaced the valve heads on the treatment units. It was determined the valves had worn out and were allowing a partial bypass of the treatment media. The operator sent out a notice to the residents advising them the nitrate levels, although not over the MCL, are higher than normal. She modified the epa template as a base for the notice. She will be sampling frequently with the new valve heads to see if that solves the higher than expected post treatment nitrate level. Mary will keep me in the loop with continued sampling. The system is already on a quarterly sampling schedule. ACTION NEEDED: Monitor sampling and respond as necessary
Associated Alerts: CHEM4919 - 06/27/2011 - NITRATE

CHEM4919 - 06/27/2011 - NITRATE

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3259
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