OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 91168
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Andrew Herold (503) 225-5723
Contact Date: 07/23/2013
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: Coliform Monitoring violation DETAILS: Violation # 3071011: Aubrey-Watzek Cascade Pacific BSA public water system has failed to collect routine coliform samples since December 2012. A reminder letter had been sent on April 22nd, 2013. At that time, Hood River County Health Department was informed via e-mail and via phone that the previous contact person (Dave Somann) is no longer with the BSA. We sent a request for a new contact on April 24th, 2013, via e-mail to Andrew Herold. We were informed that the new water system operator would be starting work on May 1st, 2013.It appears that the chain of communications broke down after the 4/24/13 communication.Today, we contacted the BSA via phone and left a message with Andrew Herold and began writing another reminder letter. Later in the day, we contacted the Portland whom recommended that we e-mail Andrew Herold a request to phone us, which we did.Later in the day, we contacted Andrew Herold via his cell phone. Andrew was informed that the coliform water samples had not been taken during the last two quarters. Andrew reported that a new water system operator (Bill) did start in May-- Andrew will forward us his contact information via e-mail. ACTION NEEDED: Collect a coliform sample immediately. We also noted that it has been 16 months since a Nitrate sample has been collected-- collect a sample as soon as possible.(Rev. 11/08)

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 872
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