OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 91029
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Robert Payne (541) 374-8811
Contact Date: 08/04/2016
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: Alert E-Coli DETAILS: A water quality alert for E-Coli arrived via e-mail at our office at 12:11pm on 8/4/16. We became aware of the alert at approx 3:00pm that afternoon. We immediately began calling our contacts at Viento State Park (office, cell numbers, etc.). We had no luck contacting anyone.We attempted to contact people at the central office in Salem and reached someone there. They directed us to contact Rooster Rock State Park office-- we had no luck contacting anyone there. We called the Salem office back and they were able to find someone directly-- we were transferred to someone at the Rooster Rock Office. We informed them of the E-Coli positive at approx 3:30pm. We asked that they track someone down located at Viento State Park and inform them about the requirement to issue a boil water advisory.We drove to Viento State Park at approx 4:00pm. We were contacted via phone by Debbie Mazzrillo (Ranger) when we arrived at the park. We informed Debbie of the situation. We drove to the Park office bldg and found Robert Payne (Ranger). Robert had just been made aware of the situation by the Rooster Rock office. We provided Robert with the Tier 1 public notice template (for E-Coli Positives) and directed him to post the notice at every water access point and also personally inform all of the campers at the park within 24 hours.We returned to the office.8/5/16: In the morning, we spoke with Michael (Ranger) who learned about the boil water advisory when he reported for work and found a note on his desk. We discussed the requirements again with Michael and scheduled a site visit to perform a ‘Level 2 Investigation’ at 2:30pm today. ACTION NEEDED: Issue a Tier 2 (Boil Water) public notice immediately. Do not shock chlorinate until after the investigation is complete (and it is determined to be necessary).
Associated Alerts: COLI15809 - 08/04/2016 - COLIFORM (TCR) , E. COLI

COLI15809 - 08/04/2016 - COLIFORM (TCR) , E. COLI

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