OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 92040
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Stacy Knudson (541) 875-2942
Contact Date: 11/30/2017
Contact Method/Location: Office
Assistance Type: ENFORCEMENT
Reasons: Lead or Copper
Details: SUMMARY: Enforcement and Compliance (L&C) DETAILS: Extensive time has been put forth by staff at Lincoln County Environmental Health to assist Eddyville Charter School with their recent lead and copper exceedance for water samples taken at the school on September 25, 2017.The following is a list of ongoing assessments and monitoring completed by Kaline Chavarria and Amy Chapman:Site Visits:Amy Chapman completed an educational presentation at the Eddyville Charter School Board meeting on October 19, 2017. 7 hours including prep for PowerPoint presentation and travel.Kaline Chavarria has conducted site visit on:Conducted an onsite informal investigation and training with Dawna McLain at Eddyville Charter School on 10/19/2017 on use of pH meter and calibration. Conducted an evaluation of the pump room. 4 hours including travel.Onsite visit and training with Dave Love, Stacy Knudson, Clint Raever and Dawna McLain on pump and system operations Nov 7, 2017. 4 Hours including travel.Onsite Visit mapping faucets and sinks taking measurements of pH, chlorine, alkalinity, temperature and calcium hardness. 3.5 hours including travel.Phone Conferences:2 conferences via phone with Tia Skerbeck and Casey Lyon, Kaline Chavarria and Amy Chapman. 1.3 hours each.Amy Chapman and Tia Skerbeck spent roughly 4 hours drafting Lead and Copper Exceedance letter.Daily email and correspondence since start of school year in excess of 250 emails.Phone Calls average every other day. ACTION NEEDED: On November 30, 2017 will create an action log to track visits, training and correspondence.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 1133
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