OHA Drinking Water Services

Most Recent Water System Survey
Survey Date: Jul 24, 2024
Notification Date: Oct 15, 2024 (83 days)
Regulating Agency: DWS (REGION 2)
Survey Frequency: 5 YR  -  Visit the Water System Surveys page to see the list of surveys due each year.
Deficiencies: Outstanding Performer!
No deficiencies were identified.

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Water System Site Visit History
Reason Visit Date Frequency Next Due Notification Date
(Days after survey)
Comments and
Sanitary Survey, Finished (SNSV) 07/24/2024 5 YR  * 10/15/2024 (83) REGION 2 Show details
Sanitary Survey, Finished (SNSV) 09/18/2019 5 YR  * 12/09/2019 (82) REGION 2 Show details
Sanitary Survey, Finished (SNSV) 09/20/2016 3 YR  * 10/17/2016 (27) REGION 2 Show details
Sanitary Survey, Finished (SNSV) 08/21/2013 3 YR  * 12/27/2013 (128) REGION 2 Show details
Sanitary Survey, Finished (SNSV) 08/24/2010 3 YR  * 12/01/2010 (99) DWP Hide details
The significant deficiencies and rule violations noted are as follows: 1. No treated (i.e., after residual chlorination) sample tap on Conger Wells #7, 8, 10 and 25, Unity #18, Fremont #11, and Homedale #13. 2. No screen on well vent at Henley Well #12 and Moyina #2. 3. North, Hospital and Moyina Stand Pipe reservoir overflows need to be located, uncovered and checked for a flap valve. In addition, I have the following comments and recommendations: 1. Inspect the Moyina Stand Pipe reservoir and determine if the vent is screened. 2. Recommend completing a schedule for valve turning. 3. Recommend developing a routine flushing schedule. 4. The Drinking Water Program has established criteria for determining whether a system should be considered to have “outstanding performance.” Systems that are designated outstanding performers may have their water system survey frequency reduced from every 3 years to every 5 years. Although your water system did not meet the established criteria, please review the enclosed handout to see what steps you can take in the future towards receiving this designation.
Category Deficiency Due Date Resolved Date
Finished Water Storage No flap valve, screen, or equivalent on overflowNot tracked
Well Construction No raw water sample tapNot tracked
Well Construction No treated sample tap (if applicable)Not tracked
Deficiency dates were not tracked prior to 1/1/2014.
Sanitary Survey, Finished (SNSV) 09/26/2007 3 YR  * 09/26/2007 (0) REGION 2 No details
Sanitary Survey, Finished (SNSV) 12/09/2002 5 YR  * DWP Show details

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3744
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