OHA Drinking Water Services

Most Recent Water System Survey
Survey Date: Jun 05, 2023
Notification Date: Jun 15, 2023 (10 days)
Regulating Agency: DEPT OF AGRICULTURE
Survey Frequency: 5 YR  -  Visit the Water System Surveys page to see the list of surveys due each year.
Category Deficiency Due Date Resolved Date
Management & Operations No operations and maintenance manualOct 19, 2023 Jul 31, 2023
Monitoring & Reporting No coliform sampling planOct 19, 2023 Jul 31, 2023
Well Construction Does not meet setbacks from hazardsOct 19, 2023 Jul 10, 2023

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Water System Site Visit History
Reason Visit Date Frequency Next Due Notification Date
(Days after survey)
Comments and
Sanitary Survey, Finished (SNSV) 06/05/2023 5 YR  * 06/15/2023 (10) DEPT OF AGRICULTURE Show details
Sanitary Survey, Finished (SNSV) 10/13/2016 5 YR  * 10/14/2016 (1) DEPT OF AGRICULTURE Show details
Sanitary Survey, Finished (SNSV) 12/03/2010 5 YR  * 12/14/2010 (11) DEPT OF AGRICULTURE Hide details

The deficiencies noted are as follows:

Source Deficiencies
1. Wellhead not protected from flooding.
2. Cap is flush with concrete slab.

Management & Operations Deficiencies
1. No Operation and Maintenance Manual.
2. No Emergency Response Plan.
The recommendations and comments noted are as follows:

1. During the inspection it was discovered that the hot water heater was dumping water onto the floor in the pump house. Since the well cap is flush with
the concrete slab there was opportunity for water to seep into the well. I would recommend installing a flood drain or creating a simple pipe
at floor level that would allow the water to exit the building and not pool around the well cap.

2. A summary of your monitoring requirements is enclosed. Please maintain a copy of this page and refer to it for future monitoring scheduling.

3. The well is within 100' from the septic drain field. This well had not had a positive coliform over the years until this latest test, so apparently the
drain field is not contaminating the source water. If you modify the septic system or move the drain field, move it at least 100' from the well. If you have
repeat coliform present results you may be required to move the septic system 100' from the well.
This site visit has not been entered into the deficiency database.

Sanitary Survey, Finished (SNSV) 11/16/2005 5 YR  * 11/16/2005 (0) DEPT OF AGRICULTURE No details
Sanitary Survey, Finished (SNSV) 02/06/1991 5 YR  * DEPT OF AGRICULTURE Show details

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 2317
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Chemical Summary  ::  Chemical Results  ::  Chemical Schedules  ::  Chemical Schedule Summary  ::  Arsenic RAA  ::  Cyanotoxins  ::  PFAS
Lead & Copper  ::  DBP Sample Sites  ::  FANLs  ::  MRDL  ::  GWR 4-Log  ::  Turbidity  ::  SWTR  ::  LRAA  ::  DW Source Protection

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