OHA Drinking Water Services

Most Recent Water System Survey
Survey Date: Dec 01, 2020
Notification Date: Jan 07, 2021 (37 days)
Regulating Agency: CLACKAMAS COUNTY
Survey Frequency: 3 YR  -  Visit the Water System Surveys page to see the list of surveys due each year.
Category Deficiency Due Date Resolved Date
Operator Certification No certified operator at required levelMay 13, 2021 Mar 03, 2021

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Water System Site Visit History
Reason Visit Date Frequency Next Due Notification Date
(Days after survey)
Comments and
Sanitary Survey, Finished (SNSV) 12/01/2020 3 YR  * 01/07/2021 (37) CLACKAMAS COUNTY Show details
Sanitary Survey, Finished (SNSV) 11/17/2015 5 YR  * 01/19/2016 (63) CLACKAMAS COUNTY Show details
Sanitary Survey, Finished (SNSV) 12/20/2011 3 YR  * 01/30/2012 (41) CLACKAMAS COUNTY Show details
Sanitary Survey, Finished (SNSV) 06/13/2008 3 YR  * 07/09/2008 (26) REGION 1 Hide details

The deficiencies noted are as follows:

Monitoring Deficiencies
1. A Coliform Sampling Plan must be completed. Please see the attached template to this letter.
2. As we discussed, and as was mentioned in the September 27, 2004 Water System Survey letter, OAR 333-061-0036 (8) (a) requires water systems that chlorinate to maintain a detectable residual throughout the distribution system and test for chlorine residual on a daily basis. Because Skylands Water District uses both a chlorinated source from Lake Oswego (during the summer months) and a non-chlorinated source from the permanent well, it is not clear that an adequate residual is maintained at all times.

There are a couple of options, including performing daily chlorine residual monitoring during the season when both sources are used, or installing a booster chlorinator after the water district's well for use when Lake Oswego water is being supplied to the system. To assist you with the requirement of ensuring that an adequate chlorine residual is maintained in all parts of the system at all times when Lake Oswego water is used, a chlorine residual monitoring plan template is attached to this letter. This template includes the number and location of samples taken each week, which will be taken on a daily basis. It is important that the sampling locations are rotated, and be representative of the distribution system, including some locations that will be largely served by well water.
This site visit has not been entered into the deficiency database.

Sanitary Survey, Finished (SNSV) 09/27/2004 3 YR  * DWP Show details

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 4047
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