OHA Drinking Water Services
Post-wildfire VOCs

The volatile organic compounds (VOCs) sampling results listed below are for the water samples collected after 2020 Oregon wildfires. These results include screening samples collected from locations in the distribution system to determine if VOC contamination entered the distribution system after the system was initially repressurized. Samples were also collected at service connections that lost pressure and were structurally damaged to determine if VOCs from the burnt components leached into the water. These results represent water at that location only and are not representative of water in the overall distribution system. Please note that the "Detections" and "MCL Exceedances" columns note "Yes" when one or more VOCs were detected or exceeded the MCL, respectively.

Sample Date Detections? MCL Exceedances? Data File
01/09/2023 NoNo XLS
09/24/2021 YesNo XLS
08/20/2021 YesNo XLS
07/23/2021 YesNo XLSX
06/25/2021 YesNo XLS
05/21/2021 YesNo XLS
04/26/2021 NoNo XLS
04/23/2021 YesNo XLS
04/12/2021 NoNo XLS
04/05/2021 NoNo XLS
03/29/2021 YesNo XLS
03/22/2021 NoNo XLS
03/19/2021 NoNo XLS
02/19/2021 YesNo XLS
02/01/2021 NoNo XLS
01/25/2021 NoNo XLS
01/08/2021 NoNo XLS
12/21/2020 NoNo XLS
11/30/2020 NoNo XLS
10/20/2020 NoNo XLS
10/16/2020 NoNo XLS
09/18/2020 NoNo XLS

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