OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 94657
Who Was Contacted: Rajesh Kumar
Contact Phone: (Email address hidden)
Contact Date: 04/26/2022
Contact Method/Location: Email
Compliance & Enforcement: Warning Letter: 03/01/2022 - 07/06/2022
Reasons: Coliform
Details: I contacted Mr. Kumar to remind him of the requirement for the submission of a corrective action plan by 04/30/2022 as set forth in the Warning Letter issued on 03/01/2022. He responded that he had already hired a well drilling company and had drilled a new well for the Wolf Creek General Store. I then proceeded to send him the following email:

"Mr. Kumar,

It is unfortunate to hear that a well has already been drilled and the parameters set forth starting on page 2 of the Warning Letter and under the heading “Actions Required to Achieve Compliance” were disregarded. The water cannot be used as the water source for the store until it is approved for use and the boil water/water advisory is still in place at the Wolf Creek General Store. This means the soda machine and the restrooms (in addition to any other equipment affected) are still not available to the public unless an approved (by ODA) alternate handwashing system is in place.

As soon as possible the following steps must be completed:

Send a plan review fee of $825.00 to the following link to start the plan review process: https://apps.oregon.gov/ECommerce/DHSOHA/EPS/Program?key=27
Take pictures of the new well head including details of the raw water sample tap, vent, and well identification band. The pictures need to be emailed to me as soon as possible.
Email me the well driller’s log for the new well.
Review the instructions attached in the document “PR-NewWells(1)” and start assembling the documents required for the plan review process.

If you need any of this information in an alternate format or language, please let me know."

I included the ODA drinking water point person, Sarah Schwab as well as the DWP staff Zach Golik and Shawn Stephenson. Mr. Kumar also provided me a copy of the receipt for submitting the plan review fee of $825 and sent me written response he will follow the directions in the above email.
Associated Violations: Viol #3499709, 02/01/2022 - 12/09/2022: - Coliform Investigation Defects Not Corrected   See also: 03/21/2022

Viol #3499708, 11/01/2021 - 11/30/2021: TCR - Acute MCL for E. coli  See also: 03/21/2022

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 2295
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