OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 95501
Who Was Contacted: Doug Thiesies
Contact Phone: (Email address hidden)
Contact Date: 07/13/2022
Contact Method/Location: Email
Assistance Type: OTHER REGULATORY - Violation Nullification & Inventory Correction/Update
Reasons: Other
Details: Email sent (7/13/22):

Doug... Seasonal Water Systems are different from year-round systems because they have a special seasonal-start-up procedure; however, Kingsley Campground PWS is exempt from the Start-up steps because it is a hand-pump system. The only requirements that will change are:
• The water testing frequency (from quarterly to monthly); and
• You will need to submit a signed form to The Oregon State Drinking Water Program, once per year.
o No other steps as long as you mark the box that says you are a hand-pump system only (and sign the form of course):


I think that switching Kingsley to a seasonal system makes the most sense for the way it is operated...

Email sent (7/14/22)[sent to OHA DWS, CC'd to Operator]:

I reactivated the KINGSLEY RESERVOIR CAMPGROUND (OR41 95501) public water system in May, 2022. Unfortunately, due to construction delays and other constraints, the Campground never opened to the public (including the hand-pump well). I have attached an updated inventory update form reflecting an updated start-up date of 8/1/22.

Additionally, I have changed the system from a year-round system, to a ‘seasonal’ system. The Water System Operator is aware that they will need to submit the signed ‘seasonal start-up’ form prior to opening to the public. As well, they are aware that they will need to begin monthly coliform sampling (rather than quarterly sampling); one sample for calendar month the system is open to the public.

With these changes, the recently assessed violation should become nullified. Please remove the violation (#1) from their record...
Associated Violations: Viol #, - : -   See also: 07/12/2022

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 5344
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