OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00731
Who Was Contacted: Dwayne Barnes
Contact Phone: 503-588-6483 (Email address hidden)
Contact Date: 01/24/2019
Contacted By: SKERBECK, TIA (REGION 2)
Contact Method/Location: Phone
Reasons: Other
Details: Spoke to Dwayne at the City of Salem about a incident at their Geren Island WTP. Last week their South Basin (Conveyance channel) was taken offline to prep for being dredged and widened. The final draining of the basin involved a contractor and pumping the water out with a diesel powered pump. The night of 1/18/19 the contractor refueled the pump that was hooked up to the basin, and left for the night. The morning of 1/19/19 it was discovered that the pump was not running and the fuel tank for the pump was empty. The fuel from the pump had drained into the basin. The amount of fuel drained into the basin is unknown but is no greater than 20 gallons. All operations around the pumping of the basin ceased and was to be reassessed on 1/22/19. An OERS report (Incident # 2019-0159) was filed on 1/22/19 for the spill on 1/19.Geoengineers have been contracted to collect samples of the south basin and provide oversight and direction to the spill clean-up process. The timeline of the clean up process and brining the south basin on-follows:
-Clean spill via DEQ guidance and consultation with a spill response coordinator - expected completion early week of 1/28
-Dredge and complete work on the south basin - expected completion NLT first week of April
-Fill south basin and release to river until turbidity in acceptable
-Collect VOC samples

The City will be sending for review their final clean up and sampling proposal.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3906
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