OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 01013
Who Was Contacted: Paul Zastrow
Contact Phone: 503-754-4318 (Email address hidden)
Contact Date: 08/13/2024
Contact Method/Location: Email
Compliance & Enforcement: Coliform Investigation: 10/18/2023 - Open
Reasons: Operations
Details: HRCHD attempted a phone call to the operator; we left voice mail (late afternoon of 8/13/24).

We followed up with an email to the operator. The text of the email follows:


I just left a voicemail message on your cell phone (###-###-####). We need to discuss ‘ALDRIDGE DITCH CO WS’ public water system (OR4101013). If there is anything happening that we are not aware of, please let us know. We want to help resolve the outstanding issues with the water system. If you are no longer the person in-charge of the system, please direct us to the responsible party.

The Concerns:

In addition to being overdue for a water system survey (our last site visit inspection was in 2018), ‘Aldridge Ditch Co WS’ public water system has been designated a ‘Priority Non-Complier’ by the Oregon Health Authority due to several accumulated demerit points (11 demerit points or more):

-Pictures and web-links-

There are also pending water quality tests that, if missed, will result in additional demerit points:

-Picture and web-link-

There have been active formal enforcement actions that are yet to be fully resolved:

-Picture and web-link-

While I did see your recent email meant to satisfy the need to publish an annual ‘Consumer Confidence Report’, since it did not contain all of the required language under Rule, I suspect that it will not be approved by the Oregon Health Authority:

-Picture and web-link-

Also, there is an overdue public notification that we have no record of:

-Picture and web-link-

Next Steps:

We want to help ‘Aldridge Ditch Co WS’ reach compliance. Completing water testing, and public notification steps will resolve these issues.

Unfortunately, we are at a point where if we cannot document movement in the direction of returning to compliance, the Oregon Health Authority, Drinking Water Services Program, will take over (meaning a formal enforcement action).

Call me..., or email me..."
Associated Violations: Viol #1716610, 07/01/2024 - : CCR - CCR Late/Nonreporting

Viol #1716608, 11/21/2023 - 10/09/2024: - Coliform Investigation Nonreporting

Viol #1716609, 11/21/2023 - 10/09/2024: - Public Notice Late/Nonreporting

Viol #1716607, 10/06/2023 - 10/17/2023: GWR - Source Sample - Late/Nonreporting

Viol #1716606, 10/01/2023 - : CCR - CCR Certification Late/Nonreporting

Viol #1716605, 07/01/2023 - : CCR - CCR Late/Nonreporting  See also: 10/16/2023, 07/31/2023

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 2913
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