OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00731
Who Was Contacted: Dwayne Barnes
Contact Phone: 503-588-6483 (Email address hidden)
Contact Date: 07/22/2019
Contacted By: BAIRD, GREGG (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Email
Assistance Type: MONITORING
Reasons: Lead or Copper
Details: We’ve reviewed our rules and procedures regarding impacts to lead and copper when a new source is added or a system makes treatment changes. We have determined that per our rules and procedures, the addition of PAC (started 6/19/19) at a water system that already provides corrosion control treatment does not require returning to two 6-month rounds of monitoring at the standard # of sites (100). Therefore I have changed Salem’s LCR monitoring schedule back to 50 sites every-3-years (seasonal period 6/1 to 9/30).

Water quality parameters (pH and alkalinity) need to be measured in the distribution system at a minimum of 10 locations at least once during the LCR seasonal monitoring period of 6/1/19 to 9/30/19. This WQP data must be reported to DWS and will be compared to the established minimum distribution water quality parameter levels which are pH 7.2 and alkalinity 20 mg/L. Any WQP data from the distribution system in addition to the minimum required that is collected during 6/1/19 to 9/30/19 must be submitted to DWS and will be compared to the minimum WQPs levels.

Alkalinity data must be collected at the entry point (EP-A: Aldersgate) a minimum of two times during the LCR seasonal monitoring period. This alkalinity data will be used to set a minimum alkalinity level at EP-A that must be met going forward. You can either report this alkalinity data on the EP-A WQP form that is already being submitting monthly to determine compliance with the minimum pH, or you can continue to submit it to me separately. After 9/30/19, I will review all the EP-A alkalinity data submitted from between 6/1/30 and 9/30/19 and set a minimum alkalinity for EP-A.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3906
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