OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 01461
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Pak Leong (503) 720-5020
Contact Date: 08/11/2006
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: Monthly Routine taken 8-8-06 positive TC DETAILS: 8-11-06 - Called Gene Smith at 3:45 pm and was told by receptionist that he is no longer the owner of the Big Foot Motel. I asked her to have him call me so I can get the new owners contact information. 8-16-06 - Called Gene Smith again because I hadnt heard back from him. He said indeed there is a new owner names Pak Leong. Gene gave me a PO Box address but didnt have a phone # for the new owner. I will probably have to send the new owner a letter. 8-21-06 - While discussing with colleagues, it turns out the new owner of the Big Foot also owns a restaurant in Oregon City called Leongs. Our restaurant inspection database has a phone # that is for the restaurant. 8-28-06 - Dane Leasure who inspects Leongs tracked down Pak Leongs cell phone # for me 503-720-5020, I called and left a message. 9-15-06 Called and left a message again. Went over what he needs to do which is: Resolve the coliform problem. Do Public Notice and provide to the users of the system, send a copy to DHS-DWP ACTION NEEDED: Will continue to try and reach Mr. Leong. Send a letter perhaps. Will do an inventory update when I get all his new contact info.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3658
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