OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00581
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Dan Kelly (541) 459-4531
Contact Date: 01/31/2008
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: N/A
Details: SUMMARY: Intake and WTP Sand Clogging Issues DETAILS: System has struggled with sand and sediment issues since the new intake and WTP started up in 2002. Excessive sand in raw water has damaged pumps and equipment in the WTP. There are two intakes systems in place, one installed in 2001/2002, and the other installed more recently. The 1st intake system becomes covered with sand and is unusable during winter high water months-- second intake is functional during high water but is not functional during summer low water periods. The first intake has sand problems-- the second does not have sand problems. Water source is Calapooya Creek. The City requests assistance to troubleshoot the problems and recommend possible solutions. An Engineering report has been prepared discussing options for a new intake, sand-handling pumps, pre filtration sand separation and settling pond. We evaluated options for potential new intake that would function properly year round and operate without pumping sand. According to the operator there may be a spot nearby, along the Calapooya Creek that is deep enough to utilize a convention intake design, with gravity flow into a wetwell. Also researched and recommended new intake pumps for the original first intake that can pump sandy water with out damage. Pump features, materials, recommended sizing and operational strategy are discussed. Additionally, an automatic filter installed in the raw water line prior to the WTP is recommended. Sedimentation pond is discussed, pros and cons identified, a brief schematic of required pipe and pumping equipment are also included. ACTION NEEDED: Will provide City a copy of our Engineering report and will discuss over the phone.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3979
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