OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 91692
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Mike McGovern (541) 259-2324
Contact Date: 02/01/2008
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: Discussed TCR 4th quarter non-reporting violation with Mike. DETAILS: Mike states that he mailed the water sample on 12/18/07 to Analytical Laboratory. The lab received the sample 4 days later - a little too late. Because of the school holiday, Mike was not made aware of the late sample until January 2, 2008. He immediately took a water sample on 1/2/08 and it was positive for TC. I suggested that Mike sample early in the quarter and avoid monitoring in December if possible. We also discussed how to interpret and follow a coliform bacteria sampling plan as he was still confused with whether he could take routine samples at the wellhead or not. Mike noticed a pattern of positive samples during the rainy season, generaly November - January, and wanted to know if he could just pour bleach down the wellhead prior to drawing the sample. I told him definitely not and explained why. I told him that I would look into the seasonal bad water quality issue and get back to him about what to do next. ACTION NEEDED: This violation was resolved with the 1/2/08 routine TC sample reported on 1/4/08. Mike also took 4 repeat samples on 1/11/08 in which all four were TC positive. Mike took five routines on 1/25/08 instead of in February, all four were TC absent.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 988
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