OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00731
Who Was Contacted and Phone: sdwis database
Contact Date: 04/13/2010
Contacted By: BAIRD, GREGG (REGION 1)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: N/A
Details: SUMMARY: OSH Complaint (1 of 2 pages) DETAILS: I spoke with a patient of the Oregon State Hospital regarding a water quality complaint. He received the results from the tests done on 3/30/10 by the city before the meter and understands that their responsibility ends there. He described water as giving off a cloudy white mist, being undrinkable, and making him ill. I asked if he had consulted an MD and he indicated he had. He indicated that he wants to have a sample from inside the facility tested and asked me how to get that done. I advised him to work with the facility administration-- he indicated that he has tried but hasnt gotten anywhere. The city had earlier provided him with contact info for a private water testing lab and he contacted them about performing a coliform test, however they indicated that they could not do on-site testing. I suggested he ask the lab if they could send him a bottle and then pick it up for testing. We discussed which contaminants he is concerned about and interested in having tested. He mentioned radon, lead, and asbestos as concerns. I advised complainant that a coliform test would only test for bacteria, not the contaminants he is concerned about. I also told him that radon is currently not a regulated contaminant in drinking water and is considered more of an indoor air quality concern (although it can be in drinking water as well). Lead is relatively easy and inexpensive to test for, however asbestos is more in the $300-400 range for testing and must be sent to an out-of-state lab for microscopic analysis (to count asbestos fibers). ACTION NEEDED: continued in next report.

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