OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 92152
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Lisa Scott (541) 369-1752
Contact Date: 07/12/2011
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: SWTR
Details: SUMMARY: Turbidity 1.1 NTU DETAILS: Lisa Scott with Cascade Pacific Pulp e-mailed Linn County EHD on Saturday that they exceeded the NTU standard of 1.0 NTU. The county contacted me and I called Lisa to find out what their max reading was. Lisa said it was 1.1 NTU at 7am and 0.96 at 11am. Since the MCL for turbidity is actually 1 NTU, with significant digits and rounding it does not get exceeded until its above 1.49 NTU. I let Lisa know that a public notice is not required. She said the reason for the high turbidity was because they were changing chemical dosing for the mill processing water due to algae buildup and it affected the filters. They backwashed the filters and are going to take them offline to clean them with hypochlorite. I e-mailed her a link to our algae resources website and let her know that in the future if they go above 1.49 NTU they will need to take grab samples every 15 minutes. ACTION NEEDED: Cascade Pacific Pulp will be cleaning the filters of algae growth.
Associated Alerts: N/A - -

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 4125
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