OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00218
Who Was Contacted: Mark Crowell/Larry Eaton/Ellen Svadlenak
Contact Phone: 971-200-8503 (Email address hidden)
Contact Date: 06/23/2020
Contact Method/Location: Phone
Reasons: VOCs
Details: 6/23/2020:The ASR well sample collected on 5/13/2020 resulted in an alert for dichloromethane and sodium.
DWS notified the system of the following;
Dichloromethane Alert: Dichloromethane was above the alert level but below MCL (ASR Well: 0.0022 mg/L / Alert Level: 0.0005 mg/L / MCL: 0.005 mg/L). Dichloromethane sampling was changed to quarterly for the ASR well entry point (EP-B). July 1st is the start of the next monitoring quarter runs through the end of September. Reduced VOC monitoring can be considered if the next 2 quarters are below the MCL.
-Sodium Alert: Sodium was above alert level in the ASR well sample collected on 5/13/2020 (20 mg/L is the advisory level and sodium does not have a MCL). DWS staff notified Washington County contacts of the alert on 6/23/20.

UPDATE: 6/04/2020: Resampled for dichloromethane, presence confirmed below ½ MCL.

UPDATE: 10/26/20-10/29/20: DWS reached out to system about the ASR well schedule and failure to report dichloromethane results for the 3rd quarter (July-September). System informed DWS staff that the ASR well was offline due to a pump issue since 6/25/20. ASR well sampling schedule was updated identifying monitoring during the 2nd and 3rd quarter to reflect well usage.

Associated Alerts: CHEM8969 - 06/16/2020 - DICHLOROMETHANE, SODIUM

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 4033
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