OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 92048
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Lisa Reed
Contact Date: 01/31/2014
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: IOCs
Details: SUMMARY: Fluoride sample taken January 28, 2014 exceeded the MCL DETAILS: Talked to Lisa and Robert Henry, HBH suggesting that HBH may be able to help Lisa get the system on track in a number of areas including fluoride.1 sample was taken June 19, 2013 from hose bib at space #6.Confirmation sample never taken? The DWP list 2 samples taken June 19, 2013-- the Pyxis Lab tells me only one sample was received.Quarterly fluoride sample was missed in the 4th quarter of 2014.The first quarter of 2014 a sample was taken on 1/28. Fluoride was 4.05 mg/l exceeding the maximum contaminate level 4.00 mg/l. Continue to take fluoride samples quarterly. A reassessment will be done after 2 quarters.Continue to do Public Notice every 3 months. Please send a copy of the public notice to the Drinking Water people. Public Notice is at web site: http://water.epa.gov/lawsregs/rulesregs/sdwa/publicnotification/upload/PNrevisedPNHandbookMarch2010.pdf ACTION NEEDED: Betsy Parry thoughts: For the fluoride MCL violation, one method of resolution is to blend two or more water sources before the Entry Point - that lowers the level of a contaminant in the distribution water. Perhaps the circuit rider could explore whether adding that previous well back onto the drinking water system would be a feasible way to lower their fluoride level. If blending is not an option, and their fluoride levels are not R&C below the MCL, they must add treatment. At the risk of getting ahead of ourselves, I poked around to find out what “treatment” might be for fluoride. With regard to fluoride the OARs say:(C) The Authority identifies the following as the best available technology, treatment techniques or other means generally available for achieving compliance with the Maximum Contaminant Level for fluoride. (i) Activated alumina absorption, centrally applied. . (ii) Reverse osmosis, centrally applied.
Associated Alerts: CHEM6193 - 01/31/2014 - FLUORIDE

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