OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 01259
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Marc Caldwell/Jason Wick
Contact Date: 09/03/2014
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: N/A
Details: SUMMARY: Regulatory assistance DETAILS: Following pump failures and a water/pressure outage on or about 8/11/14, this system hauled water to the reservoir and rationed water for several days. A boil water notice was posted and distributed on 8/12. On 8/14, Avion water system installed a temporary intertie between the adjacent Cimmarron City water system and the Desert Springs reservoir supplying sufficient water for the 55 homes. Verification samples were taken and the boil water notice lifted on 8/15. On Monday 8/25, Desert Springs sold to Avion water company and they are now the owner/operator of the system. A water info form was submitted to DWP on 8/26/14. Work began to replace the well pump on Tuesday 8/27 and work completed 9/2. Marc contacted me on 9/3 that the well had been chlorinated and flushed and source samples taken to ensure absent for bacteria. If absent, they will begin using the well again to fill the reservoir and disconnect the temporary intertie. Avion has provided a screen for the reservoir vent and developed a coliform sampling plan along with several other improvements to pumps, valves, O and M, etc. ACTION NEEDED: none

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3837
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