OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 05819
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Tina Galloway (541) 757-1497
Contact Date: 08/19/2015
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Nitrate
Details: SUMMARY: Follow-up to Nitrate Treatment Letter DETAILS: A letter was sent to firm on May 29, 20 15 requiring treatment or an alternate source to address the confirmed high nitrate levels. After reviewing the firms recent nitrate samples on 7/6/15 the source ID was noted as SRC-AA and SRC-AB, so I asked Tina the sample location where the nitrate was being take. Tina stated that the samples taken in July and previously were taken at each wellhead and not at the entry point as designated on prior samples to 7/6/15. After visiting with Laura Bums, it was decided that the firm will take quarterly nitrate samples at the entry point , where the water is combined for one year. If during this year a sample is over the MCL, they will be asked to take a confirmation sample and continue on with the quarterly monitoring.At the end of the year, the quarterly samples will be reviewed and a decision will bemade on how to appropriately move forward regarding this issue ACTION NEEDED: Take current quarterly nitrate sample at entry point. Finn will be asked to continue with public notice and providing bottled water until this sample result is completed and can be evaluated concerning the possible need to discontinue providing bottled water and a public not ice.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 2163
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