OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 93755
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Sean Dyer (503) 678-7110
Contact Date: 11/17/2017
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Arsenic
Details: SUMMARY: Arsenic MCL Alert DETAILS: I spoke with Sean and he said the arsenic treatment was evaluated and a problem with the backwash mechanism for the greensand filtration was resolved. They did some follow up testing prior and after treatment and determined the treatment was working properly. The sample that was collected on 11/14 for compliance was taken after the 355,000 gallon reservoir and was at 0.012 mg/l. The high levels are most likely due to the large amount of water pumped into the reservoir while the treatment was malfunctioning. Sean has taken a sample prior to the reservoir and is waiting on results. They are considering pumping down the reservoir and diluting it with treated water. The WS will remain on quarterly monitoring for two more quarters to determine compliance. The RAA is currently under the MCL and the WS is not in violation and not required to provide a public notice. I confirmed this with Chuck Michael at OHA DWS. ACTION NEEDED: Follow up quarterly samples and RAA.
Associated Alerts: CHEM7769 - 11/16/2017 - ARSENIC

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 1437
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