OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00911
Who Was Contacted: John Amery, Matt Olson
Contact Phone: 541-506-2753 (Email address hidden)
Contact Date: 09/13/2021
Contact Method/Location: Email
Reasons: Nitrate
Lead or Copper
Details: Good morning,
I am reaching out as the summer has passed and Tooley Water's corrective action plan for addressing the nitrate in the water system was indicated to have their final steps completed by September.
Please let me know where the water system currently is for identifying one of the alternative options for supplying drinking water, or if the corrective action date must be adjusted.

To recap potential corrective actions:
• Installing water treatment to remove nitrate or evaluating the effectiveness of existing treatment if applicable;
• Disconnecting the water source from your water system and provide an approved alternate source of water;
• Connecting to another public water system; or
• Blending water sources so that nitrate is reliably and consistently below the MCL in drinking water.

There are a variety of monitoring reminders that I will request you review below:
The lower well 2 was reactivated in June this year, and nitrate sampling is due quarterly at the lower well entry point. This quarter is July to September, so a nitrate sample is due to the DWP before September 30.
A nitrate sample is due for the year at the upper well 1's entry point. Please complete this soon.
5 lead and copper samples are due in distribution before September 30.
Arsenic is due at the entry point for upper well 1. If you take a sample at both entry points (upper and lower) you will get them on the same schedule if it helps with complexity. Otherwise the Arsenic sample for the lower wells entry point will be due next year.
Same with IOCs and Nitrites as above. Arsenic, Nitrites, and IOCs are on 9 year sampling intervals last done in 2012 and 2013.
Associated Violations: Viol #903105137, 01/01/2020 - 12/31/2020: NO3 - Chemical MCL based on Average of Samples  See also: 11/30/2022, 10/06/2021, 06/14/2021, 03/18/2021

Viol #, - : -   See also: 10/13/2021, 08/24/2021

Viol #, - : -   See also: 10/13/2021

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3468
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