OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00002
Who Was Contacted: Susan McCarty
Contact Phone: 541-372-8096
Contact Date: 08/28/2018
Contacted By: NUSRALA, JAMES (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Phone
Reasons: Chlorine
Details: Caller is a City customer and is concerned about E. coli contamination as well as the discolored and odorous nature of her drinking water. Caller relates GI health effects she feels is attributed to the water. I summarized Citys responses to apparent causes in two recent E. coli MCLs, and subsequent coliform absent samples in addition to arsenic and nitrate samples below health limits. DWS will follow up with City to encourage collection of special coliform samples at callers residence per request. DWS has reviewed plans for newly constructed well #6, which has not been placed on-line yet. Caller is concerned about how representative the monthly compliance coliform samples are and how continuous the chlorine application is. I encouraged Susan and any other residents to contact DWS with further questions or concerns, as well as route these concerns to the City, which Susan has already done.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3682
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