OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00911
Who Was Contacted: John Amery, Matt Olson
Contact Phone: 541-506-2753 (Email address hidden)
Contact Date: 12/22/2021
Contact Method/Location: Email
Reasons: Nitrate
Details: Please refer to this as a quick summary regarding the public notice requirements and monitoring change.
As far as the records show for nitrate samples received from Well #2, the previous sample we have on file is from October 10th with the results reported to us on November 19th.
You responded that Well #2 was turned off on November 2nd in response to the high nitrates.
Upon performing follow up regarding the previous 2 high samples, it was realized that potentially high nitrate water was served to customers from October 10th to November 2nd. Based on this information, the district should issue a public notice informing the customers of such. Please send me a copy of the public notice. Please let me know if you need the template for public notice to your customers.
If the well for any reason is turned on to serve customers, three actions must occur: The district must issue public notice to their customers, the district must inform the health department immediately, and a nitrate sample must be taken and sent to DWS the same day. Hiland has mentioned taking several samples a month to monitor nitrate changes at Tooley, and we feel it would be helpful for us to be informed of the full picture. If the lower well is operating and serving customers when these samples are taken, please send these results to DWS as compliance samples. If they are taken while the lower Well is not being served to customers, please send them to DWS as a special sample.DWS will be adjusting the reporting requirement for nitrates at the lower well from quarterly to monthly. Next sample for nitrates will be due in January. Although the lower well is currently not accessible to customers, historically the lower well has been turned on or used to help supplement the upper well and we would consider it an active source.
Associated Alerts: CHEM9577 - 12/07/2021 - NITRATE   See also: 12/07/2021

CHEM9545 - 11/19/2021 - NITRATE   See also: 11/19/2021, 11/22/2021

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