OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 01062
Who Was Contacted: Brenda Vasquez
Contact Phone: 541-469-7177 (Email address hidden)
Contact Date: 12/22/2021
Contacted By: DOWNS, KENT (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Phone
Reasons: Operations
Details: 12.22.21 –Curry County’s code enforcement officer, Melvin Trover, informed me that a customer of Rainbow Rock Village public water system expressed concerns about the water quality after going 3 days without water during Thanksgiving. After speaking with Melvin, I contacted Brenda Vasquez, the operator of Rainbow Rock Village water system. She clarified that on November 23rd, a leak was located near the main water tank. The pipe was isolated and repaired. During the repairs, it was necessary to slow the flow to the park to keep an adequate amount of water in the tanks. To do this, the operator turned off the booster pumps and only allowed gravity flow from the tanks to the park. This created a partial pressure loss in the distribution. The repair was finalized on November 24th. During this time Brenda stated that she verbally contacted customers in the park to inform them of the repair.

After positive pressure was restored, coliform samples were collected and reported on December 9, 2021. Test results showed absence of bacteriological contamination. Since there was still some positive pressure in the system, a boil advisory is not required. However, in addition to the verbal notification already provided by the operator, I advised Brenda to post a delayed precautionary notice, informing customers what happened and what was done to address the issue. A copy of the Tier 2 notice was provided as a template. Brenda stated that she would post the public notice to all affected customers on 12.23.2021. Going forward Brenda will ensure public notifications are distributed to customers to communicate water system incidents.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 4007
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