OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Reports
Contact Reports
DateAgent Agency Assistance Type Comments
01/15/2025 DOWNS, KENT DWP MonitoringDisinfection Byproducts: 01.15.2025-Brenda inqu...
12/18/2024 DOWNS, KENT DWP Survey/Deficiency Follow-upOperations: 12.18.2024 The operator has reques...
11/19/2024 DOWNS, KENT DWP Survey/Deficiency Follow-upOperations: 2024 WS Survey 11.19.2024-Opera...
07/02/2024 DOWNS, KENT DWP Other RegulatoryOperations: Customer complaint 07.03.2024 ...
- 07/10/2024
DOWNS, KENT DWP Advisory: Boil WaterLoss of Pressure: Due to tanks draining in the ...
- 06/04/2024
DOWNS, KENT DWP Advisory: Boil WaterLoss of Pressure: I received a phone call from ...
12/06/2022 DOWNS, KENT DWP MonitoringLead or Copper: 12.06.2022-I emailed Brenda ask...
11/28/2022 DOWNS, KENT DWP Survey/Deficiency Follow-up11.28.2022-Brenda reported that everything is h...
10/14/2022 DOWNS, KENT DWP Survey/Deficiency Follow-upSS Deficiency follow up 11.14.2022-The opera...
07/14/2022 DOWNS, KENT DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform: Alert ID COLI22296 07.14.22 - Bren...
05/22/2022 DOWNS, KENT DWP Survey/Deficiency Follow-upOperations: 05.22.2022-Brenda emailed me report...
05/12/2022 DOWNS, KENT DWP Violation Response05.12.2022-I emailed Brenda advising her to col...
05/04/2022 DOWNS, KENT DWP Survey/Deficiency Follow-up05.04.2022-Brenda emailed to report that she co...
04/11/2022 DOWNS, KENT DWP Survey/Deficiency Follow-upOperations: 04.11.2022-Discussed a plan to corr...
03/04/2022 DOWNS, KENT DWP Other Regulatory03.04.2022- A copy of the CT Study Report for R...
02/24/2022 DOWNS, KENT DWP Survey/Deficiency Follow-upOperations: 02.24.2022- Brenda requested extend...
01/19/2022 CIVIL WEST ENGINEERS, INC DWP Circuit Rider AssistanceBackground/Problem Identification: OHA reach...
01/03/2022 DOWNS, KENT DWP Violation ResponseDisinfection Byproducts: 01.03.2022-Brenda inqu...
12/22/2021 DOWNS, KENT DWP Incident ResponseOperations: 12.22.21 –Curry County’s code enfor...
11/29/2021 DOWNS, KENT DWP Other Regulatory11.29.2021-Water system survey report and cover...
11/12/2021 DOWNS, KENT DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform: 11.12.21 - Brenda was notified by the...
07/12/2021 DOWNS, KENT DWP Other RegulatoryOperations: 07.12.21 - I met with the operator,...
12/09/2020 BLEEKMAN, AMY DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseDisinfection Byproducts: Left Chris a voicemail...
10/19/2020 KAZMIERCZAK, RUSSELL DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform: Called and left message regrading the...
01/07/2020 PARRY, BETSY DWP Violation ResponseSWTR: Rainbow Rock will receive a treatment tec...
- 12/18/2019
PARRY, BETSY DWP Advisory: Boil WaterE. coli, Confirmed in Distribution: On 12/11/19...
12/11/2019 STEVENSON, SHAWN DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform: I called the water system operator in...
03/29/2019 PARRY, BETSY DWP Violation ResponseI did not hear back from Carlos when I left a m...
02/12/2019 PARRY, BETSY DWP MonitoringOperations: Manager Chris Watkins had previousl...
01/29/2018 PARRY, BETSY DWP Survey/Deficiency Follow-upSWTR, Operations: SUMMARY: filter profile &...
01/23/2018 PARRY, BETSY REGION 2 Survey/Deficiency Follow-upSWTR, Operations: SUMMARY: Sig Def and LT2 samp...
01/17/2018 PARRY, BETSY REGION 2 Survey/Deficiency Follow-upOperations, SWTR: SUMMARY: significant deficien...
11/17/2008 HENRY, ROBERT DWP Circuit Rider AssistanceN/A, N/A: SUMMARY: Filter Installation Issues ...
04/30/2008 MURPHEY, JEFFREY DWP Circuit Rider AssistanceN/A, N/A: SUMMARY: Equipment Selection Assistan...
03/31/2008 MURPHEY, JEFFREY DWP Circuit Rider AssistanceN/A, N/A: SUMMARY: Equipment Selection Assistan...
02/21/2008 MURPHEY, JEFFREY DWP Circuit Rider AssistanceN/A, N/A: SUMMARY: Equipment Recommendations As...
01/31/2008 MURPHEY, JEFFREY DWP Circuit Rider AssistanceN/A, N/A: SUMMARY: Equipment recommendations as...
12/21/2007 MURPHEY, JEFFREY DWP Circuit Rider AssistanceN/A, N/A: SUMMARY: Equipment Recommendations As...
08/18/2005 CURRY, SCOTT DWP Survey/Deficiency Follow-upN/A, N/A:
08/10/2005 QUINN, ERIC DWP Circuit Rider AssistanceN/A, N/A: SUMMARY: Pressure Filter Replacement
07/20/2005 QUINN, ERIC DWP Circuit Rider AssistanceN/A, N/A: SUMMARY: Pressure Filter Replacement.
06/24/2005 HOUSTON, JENNIFER DWP Other RegulatoryN/A, N/A: SUMMARY: Emergency Response Plan Comp...
06/13/2005 QUINN, ERIC DWP Circuit Rider AssistanceN/A, N/A: SUMMARY: Pressure filter replacement
02/17/2004 HUNT, ANNETTE DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseNitrate, N/A: SUMMARY: Nitrate
02/17/2004 POTTS, JOHN DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseNitrate, N/A: SUMMARY: Nitrate
04/22/2003 QUINN, ERIC DWP Circuit Rider AssistanceOperations, N/A: SUMMARY: Operations
02/24/2003 POTTS, JOHN DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: MCL COLI DETAILS: J PO...
02/20/2003 BYNUM, ROBERT DWP Circuit Rider AssistanceSWTR, N/A: SUMMARY: SWTR
11/19/2002 BYNUM, ROBERT DWP Circuit Rider AssistanceOperations, N/A: SUMMARY: Operations
11/12/2002 BYNUM, ROBERT DWP Circuit Rider AssistanceOperations, N/A: SUMMARY: Operations
08/15/2002 POTTS, JOHN DWP Survey/Deficiency Follow-upN/A, N/A: DETAILS: J POTTS from the state compl...
08/15/2002 POTTS, JOHN DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseLead or Copper, N/A: SUMMARY: MCL L & C DE...
07/24/2000 MESZAROS, MIKE CURRY COUNTY Other RegulatoryN/A, N/A: DETAILS: M MESZAROS from the county c...
01/12/2000 MESZAROS, MIKE CURRY COUNTY Other RegulatoryN/A, N/A: DETAILS: M MESZAROS from the county c...
05/18/1999 MESZAROS, MIKE CURRY COUNTY Other RegulatoryN/A, N/A: DETAILS: MESZAROS from the county com...
01/25/1999 MESZAROS, MIKE CURRY COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseSOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: M/R SOC DETAILS: M. MESZAR...
11/24/1998 SALIS, KARI DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: M/R COLI DETAILS: K. S...
12/09/1996 MEYER, PATRICK DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: MCL COLI DETAILS: SHOR...
08/08/1996 MESZAROS, MIKE CURRY COUNTY Other RegulatoryN/A, N/A: DETAILS: MESZAROS from the county com...
09/19/1995 MESZAROS, MIKE CURRY COUNTY Other RegulatoryN/A, N/A: DETAILS: M MESZAROS from the county c...
03/24/1995 MESZAROS, MIKE CURRY COUNTY Other RegulatoryN/A, N/A: DETAILS: M MESZAROS from the county c...
05/21/1993 CHARBONNEAU, TOM DWP Plan ReviewN/A, N/A: DETAILS: TOM CHARBONNEAU from the sta...
10/06/1992 CHARBONNEAU, TOM DWP Other RegulatoryN/A, N/A: DETAILS: TOM CHARBONNEAU from the sta...
02/14/1989 CHARBONNEAU, TOM DWP Survey/Deficiency Follow-upN/A, N/A: DETAILS: TOM CHARBONNEAU from the sta...

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 4007
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