OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00151
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Edward Butts (503) 589-1115
Contact Date: 08/31/2010
Contacted By: DANIELS, BRAD (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Assistance Type: ENFORCEMENT
Reasons: Arsenic
Details: SUMMARY: Granted additional month for submission of plans related to bilateral agreement DETAILS: I spoke with Ed Butts regarding the water system at Oregon Dist. Assemblies of God and the exceedance of the arsenic MCL. Ed requested an additional month for the submittal of plans referenced in the bilateral compliance agreement (BCA). The system is currently trying to decide whether they should drill a well in a different location (and probably at a different depth) or whether they should connect to the Green Oaks Mobile Ranch. There is some concern that Green Oaks may eventually exceed the MCL for arsenic as well, although levels are currently below the MCL. The BCA originally agreed that plans would be submitted by July 31, but Ed requested a 30 day extension and now is requesting another. Ed has stated that either of the two activities will still be completed by the December 31 deadline for completion of construction. I agreed that the amended deadline for submittal of plans is agreeable to the drinking water program, and authorized per this document. ACTION NEEDED: Await decision by water system to either drill a new well or connect to Green Oaks Mobile Ranch in order to comply with the MCL for arsenic.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3253
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