OHA Drinking Water Services

OHA Drinking Water Services
Water Advisory Details

PWS ID: OR41 94489
Advisory Type: Boil Water
Reason: Treatment Failure, Filtration
Area Affected: Partial - Portion of park served by the lower water treatment plant
Affected Populations: All
Begin Date: Feb 26, 2019
Date Lifted: Mar 21, 2019
Who Was Contacted: Corinne Shrode
Contact Phone: 541-469-7446
Details: Whaleshead Creek flooded from 12+ inches of precipitation. Their lower treatment plant sources are 2 dug wells next to the creek - they flooded, even above the door to the well house. This shorted out the electrical and the pumps stopped working. (Cannot be repaired until the water subsides.) Before that, flood water had gone to their 2 raw water tanks. Lower park residents reported thick, muddy water, and the entry point turbidity surpassed 5 NTU. The chlorine residual on 2/25 was still adequate. It is not clear how high turbidity water got past the filters instead of just clogging them up. Their offsite DRCs will look into that. Meanwhile, local staff will drain the 2 raw water storage tanks to clean them out, and begin refilling them from a line from the upper plant (normal water quality). Management has also contacted a company to clean out the lower clearwell. Today they will hand deliver bottled water to the ~30 affected connections along with the advisory.

Update 03/01/2019:  At the lower (affected) plant, they have completely cleaned out the 2 freestanding 2500 gal raw water tanks, and drained the concrete clearwell (under shed) down as much as they could and refilled it with the upper plant water (NTU 1). Although a coliform sample collected yesterday in the lower distribution was absent, and todays EP chlorine level was sufficient (1.1 mg/L), the turbidity was still 2.7 NTU at the lower EP today, so the boil will remain in place over the weekend till it returns to baseline conditions (around 1 NTU).

Update 03/11/2019:  On 3/7/2019 these criteria for lifting the boil advisory affecting the lower portion of the park were emailed to Whaleshead: 1) Installing pressure gauges around the Harmsco filter (an existing requirement), 2) Once installation is completed, obtain a new lab result showing absence of coliform in the distribution, 3) Adequate chlorine residual at the entry point. Last week the repairs were made so the lower wells are back in operation. The most recent turbidity at the EP was 1.52 NTU on Sunday (3/10) and 0.52 on Monday (3/11), so significantly lower. The pressure gauges are scheduled to be installed 3/16/19. The advisory will remain in place until all criteria are met.

Lifted 03/21/2019:  The turbidity is now 0.5 NTU - no longer high enough to be a violation with this cartridge filter. The criteria for lifting this particular advisory including adding the required pressure gauges at the Harmsco filters at both treatment plants, which occurred on 3/16/19. They have met the other criteria - turbidity less than 1.0 NTU, chlorine at least 1.0 at the EPs, and no coliform detected in distribution samples.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 1791
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