OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 94489
Who Was Contacted: Peggy Titus
Contact Phone: 928-632-7382
Contact Date: 11/16/2018
Contacted By: PARRY, BETSY (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Phone
Reasons: SWTR
Details: A resident served by the lower treatment plant (WTP-A) left a message last week that sediment in the water was clogging up their home filter, so they had to clean out the filter often (even once per hour) or their in-house pressure would drop. She reported that sediments have appeared before. Kent Downs of Curry Community Health measured the pressure after their home filter on Nov 2 and found it to be 35 psi at that time, satisfactory. After contacting the resort manager and their newly hired DRC, I returned the call today. The manager reported that because the level in the clearwell was low (can happen before seasonal rains return), they added hauled potable water to the clearwell in the last week or two. A low water level or the addition of hauled water could have caused sediments in that tank to go to the distribution. The system also replaced the LT2 filter last week, and the resident confirmed that the sediments had decreased since then. The water system is on a timeframe to meet surface water treatment requirements (formerly GW with 4-log viral inactivation). They have just hired their first DRC, Michael Murphy, who will be training the local staff to do the daily treatment monitoring. Michael plans to: 1) Check the gauges and LT2 filter housing in case something is interfering with accurate measurement of the pressure differential; 2) Check for sediments in the clearwell (may remain since before the current filters were installed approx. 1 year ago); 3) Check the iron filter, though the resident reported granules rather than "rusty" water. 4) See what materials they used to transfer the hauled water into the clearwell. Michael also said he would submit the DRC form and contract to DWS. I relayed the status to this caller. On Nov 6, a previous caller had expressed complaints with Whaleshead management far beyond drinking water. I assured that resident that OHA DWS would hold the public water system to the OAR requirements.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 1791
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