OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00690
Who Was Contacted: John Caraway
Contact Phone: 503-556-2150
Contact Date: 05/17/2024
Contact Method/Location: Phone
Assistance Type: OTHER REGULATORY - 4-log, raw water sample tap, monthly assessment sampling discussion
Reasons: Operations
Details: I spoke with John Caraway on the following matters:

1. The sample tap the system used for raw water sampling has a chlorinator running through it, which is not approved as a raw sample tap by DWS or CCPH. They have to shut off the chlorinator to get a raw source sample.
I asked John if it was possible to remove or separate the chlorinator from that particular tap while still using chlorination system for distribution. Or if not, installing a different raw sample tap. John said he will look into the options of separating the chlorinator from that one sample tap while still using the chlorinator.

2. We also discussed, once an approved raw water sample tap is available, collecting monthly source assessment samples from the spring for one year (12 months), and if there are no e. coli results the source sample schedule may be reduced again.

3. I discussed with John the next steps to become system that is registered as achieving 4-log disinfection, determined by chlorine concentration as well as time or distance from chlorinator to entry point/distribution. I forwarded John the phone numbers for both the State of Oregon's Circuit Rider Program as well as OAWU, to contact circuit rider assistance to help with the 4-log process. I also emailed both John and Mac the Disinfection Verification form, for 4-log registration/documentation.
Associated Alerts: TCR-1226 - 11/09/2023 - E. COLI  See also: 11/09/2023, 11/29/2023, 02/26/2024

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 4182
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