OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 91683
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Jon Battey (541) 822-3799
Contact Date: 11/08/2007
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: One of the 5 Routines was a Positive Sample DETAILS: Jon Battey left me a message on 11/07/07 to report that one of the 5 routines that was a follow-up for the 10/01/07 TC positive sample was positive. The 11/05/07 RT TC positive sample was taken for the Shop Hose Bib.Jon thought that the positive sample was accidentally contaminated during the sample draw so he took 4 repeats on 11/07/07 without shock chlorinating. All four repeats were reported as positive on 11/08/07. I asked Jon to take a "special" sample of the raw water today, 11/08/07 since it was not sampled as a repeat on 11/07/07. We discussed sample technique and it appears that he is doing everything according to protocol.If the raw water sample is positive then Jon with shock chlorinate at the wellhead. We discussed the procedure in detail. If the raw water sample is absent for TC then he will shock chlorinate at the 15,000 gallon reservoir and run the chlorinated water through the distribution system as discussed in detail. The RV section of the park was valved of and shut down for the season in October. ACTION NEEDED: Jon will shock chlorinate at the well or reservoir on Monday 11/12/07, wait 4-5 days then take 4 repeats. He will call Linn County with any questions and results of the repeats. Jon will continue to post Public Notice for total coliform until we direct otherwise.
Associated Alerts: COLI4794 - 11/08/2007 - COLIFORM (TCR)

COLI4794 - 11/08/2007 - COLIFORM (TCR)

COLI4794 - 11/08/2007 - COLIFORM (TCR)

COLI4794 - 11/08/2007 - COLIFORM (TCR)

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