OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Reports
Contact Reports
DateAgent Agency Assistance Type Comments
09/19/2024 GEORGE, JENIFER MULTNOMAH COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform: Sent email to Jon after calling him r...
09/20/2023 GEORGE, JENIFER MULTNOMAH COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform: Talked with Jon regarding the repeat ...
03/28/2023 GEORGE, JENIFER MULTNOMAH COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseNitrate: Nitrate sample is not over the MCL, th...
01/17/2023 GEORGE, JENIFER MULTNOMAH COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseNitrate: Nitrate sample is not over the MCL the...
01/13/2023 GEORGE, JENIFER MULTNOMAH COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseNitrate: Nitrate is below MCL the water system ...
01/13/2023 GEORGE, JENIFER MULTNOMAH COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseNitrate: Nitrate is not over the MCL, the syste...
01/14/2022 GEORGE, JENIFER MULTNOMAH COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseNitrate: This system is currently aware of the ...
01/05/2022 GEORGE, JENIFER MULTNOMAH COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform: Contacted Scott regarding the positiv...
04/13/2021 GEORGE, JENIFER MULTNOMAH COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseNitrate: routine sample for nitrate tested at 5...
07/09/2020 GEORGE, JENIFER MULTNOMAH COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseNitrate: Routine sample of nitrate was positive...
04/01/2020 GEORGE, JENIFER MULTNOMAH COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseNitrate: Routine quarterly sample of nitrate wa...
05/22/2019 GEORGE, JENIFER MULTNOMAH COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseNitrate: Routine quarterly sample of nitrate wa...
09/21/2018 GEORGE, JENIFER MULTNOMAH COUNTY Survey/Deficiency Follow-upSystem sent email with documents to correct def...
09/14/2018 GEORGE, JENIFER MULTNOMAH COUNTY Other Water QualityGot a reminder email that systems lead and copp...
09/14/2018 GEORGE, JENIFER MULTNOMAH COUNTY Survey/Deficiency Follow-upContacted Scott regarding the uncorrected defic...
05/23/2018 GEORGE, JENIFER MULTNOMAH COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseNitrate: Nitrate sample came back higher than t...
06/23/2017 GEORGE, JENIFER MULTNOMAH COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseNitrate, N/A: SUMMARY: Nitrate Sample DETAILS:...
06/16/2017 GEORGE, JENIFER MULTNOMAH COUNTY Violation ResponseLead or Copper, N/A: SUMMARY: Regarding L and C...
11/01/2016 GEORGE, JENIFER MULTNOMAH COUNTY Other RegulatoryLead or Copper, N/A: SUMMARY: Regulatory Assist...
10/04/2016 GEORGE, JENIFER MULTNOMAH COUNTY Other RegulatoryN/A, N/A: SUMMARY: Regulatory Assistance DETAI...
09/28/2016 GEORGE, JENIFER MULTNOMAH COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseLead or Copper, N/A: SUMMARY: LCR Alert DETAIL...
07/27/2016 GEORGE, JENIFER MULTNOMAH COUNTY Other RegulatoryN/A, N/A: SUMMARY: Violation Sampling DETAILS:...
07/27/2016 GEORGE, JENIFER MULTNOMAH COUNTY Other RegulatoryLead or Copper, N/A: SUMMARY: Lead and Copper ...
05/25/2016 GEORGE, JENIFER MULTNOMAH COUNTY Priority Non-ComplierNitrate, N/A: SUMMARY: Priority Non-Complier D...
05/28/2015 BARNES, GERALD MULTNOMAH COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseNitrate, N/A: SUMMARY: Quarterly Nitrate sample...
10/16/2014 BARNES, GERALD MULTNOMAH COUNTY Survey/Deficiency Follow-upN/A, N/A: SUMMARY: Deficiencies DETAILS: reciv...
01/27/2014 BARNES, GERALD MULTNOMAH COUNTY MonitoringN/A, N/A: SUMMARY: Reviewed Water System Sampli...
01/27/2014 BARNES, GERALD MULTNOMAH COUNTY Survey/Deficiency Follow-upN/A, N/A: SUMMARY: Review deficiencies from Jul...
05/17/2013 BARNES, GERALD MULTNOMAH COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseNitrate, N/A: SUMMARY: Nitrate at 50% MCL DETA...
03/31/2013 BARNES, GERALD MULTNOMAH COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseNitrate, N/A: SUMMARY: Nitrate at 50% MCl DETA...

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 5291
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