OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Reports
Contact Reports
DateAgent Agency Assistance Type Comments
05/16/2024 RUSSELL, MOLLY JACKSON COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform: Chad Petersen and I spoke with the op...
05/13/2024 GEORGE, TONY JACKSON COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform: 4/8: I called the operator and left a...
03/12/2024 GEORGE, TONY JACKSON COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform: 2/28: I emailed the operator asking i...
02/20/2024 GEORGE, TONY JACKSON COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform: I spoke with the operator regarding t...
02/16/2024 GEORGE, TONY JACKSON COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform: I left a voicemail for the operating ...
04/20/2023 BAKER, SUSAN JACKSON COUNTY Violation ResponseNitrate, Coliform: Sent yet another email to th...
11/02/2021 BAKER, SUSAN JACKSON COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform: Contacted by owner/operator early thi...
10/29/2021 BAKER, SUSAN JACKSON COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform: Sent and email to owner/operator rega...
06/30/2021 BAKER, SUSAN JACKSON COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform: Left a voice message with owner opera...
09/30/2019 BAKER, SUSAN JACKSON COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform: Instruct operator to submit three rep...
08/29/2019 BAKER, SUSAN JACKSON COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform: Operator contacts me with information...
08/28/2019 BAKER, SUSAN JACKSON COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform: Attempt a phone call to this operator...
07/30/2018 BAKER, SUSAN JACKSON COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform: Send an email regarding the routine s...
04/19/2018 BAKER, SUSAN JACKSON COUNTY MonitoringColiform: Spoke with Cynthia regarding missed q...
04/30/2015 OBEREIGNER, MIKE JACKSON COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: Two temp routines colle...
04/02/2015 OBEREIGNER, MIKE JACKSON COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: A routine coliform samp...
09/17/2010 OBEREIGNER, MIKE JACKSON COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: A routine sample collec...
11/04/2005 MANWARING, JOHN JACKSON COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: ACTION NEEDED: see letter attach...

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 4774
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