OHA Drinking Water Services
PWS ID: 00248 ---- DALLAS, CITY OF
Contact Reports
Contact Reports
DateAgent Agency Assistance Type Comments
01/03/2025 HOFELD, EVAN DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseDisinfection Byproducts: I received an alert on...
06/13/2024 DOWNS, KENT DWP Other RegulatoryOperations: 06.13.2024-Customer complaint I re...
06/10/2024 BLEEKMAN, AMY DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform: Emailed operator about coliform alert...
07/21/2023 BYRD, MICHELLE DWP Survey/Deficiency Follow-upEmailed Jake to follow up on the city's pr...
04/17/2023 BYRD, MICHELLE DWP Survey/Deficiency Follow-upOperations: Emailed Jake to follow up on the ba...
08/05/2022 BYRD, MICHELLE DWP Survey/Deficiency Follow-upJake emailed a corrective action plan including...
- 06/08/2021
BYRD, MICHELLE DWP Advisory: Boil WaterLoss of Pressure: While a sewer lateral was bei...
04/08/2021 BAIRD, GREGG DWP Other Water QualityCyanotoxins: Spoke to Michael about possible al...
01/22/2021 BYRD, MICHELLE DWP Other RegulatoryDiscussed with Jake the survey deficiency to di...
01/17/2021 SALIS, KARI DWP Incident ResponseSWTR: Saturday 6:10 pm Jake is hopeful. They a...
01/16/2021 SALIS, KARI DWP Incident ResponseSaturday 1/16 am: Jake Dyer, WTP operator, con...
01/15/2021 SALIS, KARI DWP Incident ResponseJason Anderson, Dallas WTP operator, called the...
01/15/2021 BYRD, MICHELLE DWP Other Water QualitySWTR: Jake notified me a recent storm event and...
11/17/2020 BYRD, MICHELLE DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseLead or Copper: On November 10th, I spoke to Ja...
10/12/2020 BYRD, MICHELLE DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform: Jake notified the DWS after hours pho...
04/29/2020 BYRD, MICHELLE DWP Survey/Deficiency Follow-upOther: I received an email from Jake on April 2...
10/04/2019 HOFELD, EVAN DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform: I received an alert for a total colif...
08/20/2019 HOFELD, EVAN DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform: I received an alert on Friday, 8-16-1...
- 11/28/2017
GENTRY, CARRIE DWP Advisory: Boil WaterLoss of Pressure: Water system experienced a wa...
08/08/2016 SKERBECK, TIA REGION 1 Survey/Deficiency Follow-upOperations, Operations: SUMMARY: Survey deficie...
09/11/2014 GENTRY, CARRIE DWP Other RegulatoryN/A, None: SUMMARY: Capacity Assessment DETAIL...
06/03/2011 GENTRY, CARRIE DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseLead or Copper, Lead/Copper: SUMMARY: Response ...
11/30/2010 GENTRY, CARRIE DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, Coliform: SUMMARY: Followup to colifo...
10/01/2008 GENTRY, CARRIE DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseLead or Copper, Lead/Copper: SUMMARY: Meeting w...
03/05/2007 WAUN, GEORGE DWP Other RegulatorySRF, N/A: SUMMARY: Environmental review require...
01/16/2007 WAUN, GEORGE DWP Other RegulatorySRF, N/A: SUMMARY: Discussed environmental revi...
11/27/2006 HUGHES, CHRIS DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: Follow-up on Alert TC+ ...
10/23/2006 WAUN, GEORGE DWP Other RegulatoryN/A, N/A: SUMMARY: Discussion on status of envi...
10/05/2006 FARRELLY, PETER DWP Other RegulatoryOther, N/A: SUMMARY: Small Water System Trainin...
09/13/2005 NELSON, DENNIS DWP Other RegulatoryOperations, N/A: SUMMARY: City is applying for ...
12/23/2004 PUTNAM, KURT DWP Other RegulatoryN/A, N/A: SUMMARY: Emergency Response Plan Comp...
03/16/2004 LAMBETH, DEBRA DWP Survey/Deficiency Follow-upN/A, N/A:
09/19/2003 RIGWOOD, BRIAN DWP Other RegulatorySWTR, N/A: SUMMARY: SWTR
09/19/2003 PHELPS, SHANE DWP Other RegulatoryOperations, N/A: SUMMARY: Operations
05/08/2003 LAMBETH, DEBRA DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: Coliform
08/12/2002 LAMBETH, DEBRA DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: MCL COLI DETAILS: D LA...
08/08/2002 LELAND, DAVE DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: MCL COLI DETAILS: D LE...
07/31/2002 LELAND, DAVE DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: MCL COLI DETAILS: D LE...
07/30/2002 LELAND, DAVE DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: MCL COLI DETAILS: D LE...
07/29/2002 PHELPS, SHANE DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: MCL COLI DETAILS: S PH...
07/26/2002 PHELPS, DAVE DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: MCL COLI DETAILS: D PH...
11/23/2001 CHARBONNEAU, TOM DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: MCL COLI DETAILS: T CH...
10/09/2001 RIGWOOD, BRIAN DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: MCL COLI DETAILS: B RI...
07/25/2001 WAUN, GEORGE DWP Other RegulatoryN/A, N/A: DETAILS: G WAUN from the state comple...
07/29/1999 GENTRY, CARRIE DWP Survey/Deficiency Follow-upN/A, N/A: DETAILS: CARRIE GENTRY from the state...
12/30/1998 SOLVEDT, JIM POLK COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: MCL COLI DETAILS: J. S...
12/21/1998 WAUN, GEORGE DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: MCL COLI DETAILS: G. W...
06/25/1998 GRIMM, MIKE DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseOperations, N/A: SUMMARY: Operations DETAILS: ...
06/24/1998 GRIMM, MIKE DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseOperations, N/A: SUMMARY: Operations DETAILS: ...
04/14/1998 GRIMM, MIKE DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseOperations, N/A: SUMMARY: Operations DETAILS: ...
04/13/1998 PHELPS, DAVE DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseOperations, N/A: SUMMARY: Operations DETAILS: ...
07/25/1996 GRIMM, MIKE DWP Other RegulatoryN/A, N/A: DETAILS: GRIMM from the state complet...
12/27/1995 GRIMM, MIKE DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: MCL COLI DETAILS: M GR...
12/05/1995 MEYER, PAT DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: MCL COLI DETAILS: P ME...
01/13/1994 GRIMM, MIKE DWP Other RegulatoryN/A, N/A: DETAILS: MICHAEL GRIMM from the state...
07/08/1993 GRIMM, MIKE DWP Other RegulatoryN/A, N/A: DETAILS: MICHAEL GRIMM from the state...
08/11/1992 WAYBRIGHT, BONNIE DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseN/A, N/A: DETAILS: BONNIE WAYBRIGHT from the st...
07/07/1992 WHITELEY, MIKE DWP Other RegulatoryN/A, N/A: DETAILS: MICHAEL WHITELEY from the st...
10/08/1986 GRIMM, MIKE DWP Survey/Deficiency Follow-upN/A, N/A: DETAILS: MICHAEL GRIMM/JIM BOYDSTON f...

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3885
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